
Lisa Kahn

Designer | Creator of Sanctuary | Goddess of Light & LOVE

LOVEthirteen is my ticket to finding sanctuary as I move around in the world. Heather’s creations meet me where I am on any given day and support me in whatever I need at the moment: peace, harmony, prosperity, joy, abundance, creativity, healing, strength, shielding. I don’t have a day that I leave the house without at least one of my arms stacked full of crystal bracelets. On particularly challenging days, it’s both! LOVEthirteen bracelets are my talisman, my security, my secret weapon. At times they have even been my survival gear. We can’t control what life brings, but as we work to master our response to it, LOVEthirteen helps me operate from a position of strength and calm. 

To learn more about Lisa visit her website at Lisa Kahn Designs.

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