
Supremely Blessed LOVEstack (New!)

A humble invocation leads you to connect to your higher self. A request for the courage to speak and for the words that follow to be filled with grace and kindness. Your whispers are heard and your body is filled with light, a softness within lifts you higher. You are here, yet so completely elsewhere. May you hold this divine connection in all you do today and may all you do be supremely blessed. 7 inch stretch bracelets.

Original price was: $770.00.Current price is: $616.00.

Availability: In stock

Crystal Elements of the LOVEstack

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Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

Love-Thirteen - Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry

It’s More Than Jewelry ®

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Grab Your $25
Gift Card!

Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

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