
Ali Levine

Wife | Mother | Celebrity Stylist & TV Personality

The magic of LOVEthirteen and Heather is something that’s honestly hard to put into words.

I met Heather through a family friend almost a decade ago now and had no idea how much she’d change my life, my perspective, and open my eyes to crystals. I had heard of crystals before, I of course thought they were beautiful but never really understood them till LOVEthirteen and Heather.

When I met Heather, I was in a very dark period of my life – my grandmother, who was my best friend on this earth, had passed and it was like my soul had been ripped away. Not only did Heather give me insight into my pain and healing through her words and our reading together, but she gave me a few beautiful bracelets to wear to help with the healing. In the beginning, I just wore her bracelets cause they were (and are) stunning!!  What’s not to love about them. I started being drawn to different ones and wearing them.

Over time I started to notice shifts in myself, in my openness, in calling in signs, my grandmother, and a lot more. I also would dress and style my clients in these crystals and see a difference in them. There’s true beauty & love behind these crystals!! 

Fast forward to today, I recognize not only the beauty of wearing them daily and having my loved ones and friends wear them, but the real beauty and power inside of me that’s activated by the crystals.

I feel something special and indescribable in wearing them. This inner knowingness is something I feel you can only experience and understand by wearing LOVEthirteen.  I wear my love stacks everywhere I go, whether I’m at home with my girls, on a TV show, at a red carpet event, doing a meditation, they go everywhere with me. I swear you connect with the crystals and you feel the shifts in yourself! 

Even my girls and my husband wear them, and I know my girls receive. I believe my husband does too even if he’s not aware of it, he enjoys wearing them. LOVEthirteen and Heather herself are such gifts!! Such a radiant and beautiful woman and soul!! I can’t explain my gratitude and love for this woman enough! 

I’m truly honored and grateful we not only connected but have done so much work together since and have become friends and soul sisters and soul family! It’s beautiful!! I truly feel my grandmother guided and connected me to her in a time I really needed it. Thank you Heather for sharing your light, your beauty and the most beautiful intentions with LOVEthirteen! I’m honored and eternally grateful!

To learn more about Ali and go to her Instagram at @alilevinedesign.

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