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Golden Light LOVEstack (New!)

As above, so below. The golden liquid light of the divine pierces your crown and courses through your vessel, expanding your field and radiating outward. You are of the divine – a conduit of good, a conduit of love, happiness, joy and healing. Allow the queen manifesting stone, golden rutilated quartz, to serve you in this spiritual journey we call life. Paired lovingly with golden abalone. 7 inch stretch bracelets.

Original price was: $900.00.Current price is: $720.00.

Availability: In stock

Crystal Elements of the LOVEstack

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Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Love-Thirteen - Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry

It’s More Than Jewelry ®

Glamorous Spiritual Crystal Jewelry to Elevate the Body, Mind & Soul

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Gift Card!

Together, let's be leaders in light & love! Connect through email and text to learn more about crystals and the gifts they offer!

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